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Services we Offer 

General Dentistry

General dentistry involves the care and prevention of dental and other oral health conditions. Ultimate Smile aims to use preventative care and patient education to avoid the need for invasive treatments and instead promote a natural healthy and happy smile for life.

Research shows that a healthy dentition does not only improve your quality of life, but your overall health as well. Therefor we advocate preventive care, rather than corrective treatment. By visiting our team of Dentists and Oral Hygienist twice annually for a cleaning and oral examination, you can avoid decay and identify potential oral health conditions early

Dentistry for Children

Young kids, preteens and teenagers all need different approaches in dealing with their dental growth and development to avoid future dental problems. At our state-of-the-art practice we are dedicated to treating all children like our own.  Ultimate Smile uses the safest technology, to ensure that your child receives the absolute best dental care available, in a safe and supportive environment

At what age should children start visiting the dentist?

Children from the age of 2 years should receive dental check-ups yearly, not only for the early detection of potential problems or cavities, but also to establish a good dentist-patient relationship from a young age. Children from the age of 4 years should also see the oral hygienist for preventative care.

Why are the primary/baby teeth important?

It is very important to maintain the health of your child’s primary teeth for the following reasons:

  • Neglected cavities in primary teeth may lead to problems which can affect the developing permanent teeth.

  • Primary teeth are essential to good nutrition as they facilitate proper chewing and eating.

  • They maintain space for the permanent teeth and guide them into the correct position, thus permitting normal development of the jaws and muscles.

  • Primary teeth facilitate the development of normal speech.

  • They add to a more attractive appearance and may play a role in a healthy self-esteem.


Discolouration and staining brought on by the effects of ageing and the habitual use of caffeine, tobacco and red wine can effectively be restored by our range of whitening procedures. It is vitally important that you are evaluated by a dentist or oral hygienist before continuing with teeth whitening, so be sure to book for a check-up or cleaning with one of our professionals.

In Office Whitening

This procedure is done in the dental chair. It takes around 90 minutes and your teeth will be instantly transformed!

Home Whitening Kit

Personalised trays are made for you to take home, together with an at-home whitening solution from ZOOM!, and instructions from one of our experts. A DIY whitening treatment with a professional twist! One of our favourites because the results are AMAZING!

Teeth whitening can do far more than revitalise your smile, it can revitalise your self-image and the impression that you make on others.

Internal Tooth Bleaching

Internal tooth bleaching is a method of whitening a tooth that has undergone individual discolouration due to a loss of vitality. An internal bleaching agent is placed inside the tooth, whitening it from within.



Routine Cleaning

Research shows that there is a strong association between the health of your mouth and that of the rest of your body. Routine scaling and polishing every 6 months at your oral hygienist will prevent gum disease caused by plaque build up as well as cavities. These visits also aid in the early detection of fissures.

Fissure Sealants

Is a thin resin layer placed on the chewing surfaces of children’s back teeth to prevent tooth decay. The sealant flows into the grooves and fissures of teeth, forming a protective shield, preventing the formation of cavities.



Conscious Sedation & Theatre

It is no secret that most of us don’t like going to the dentist.  In fact, many people go years without even a check-up or cleaning due to anxiety over dental visits.  Some reasons for avoiding the dentist include

  • Fear for needles, drills or other dental instruments.

  • Past traumatic dental experiences.

  • Sensitive teeth and/or difficulty getting numb.

  • Discomfort with the smells, noises and tastes that accompany dental work.

Fortunately, these issues are no longer a reason to avoid the dentist. With sedation  dentistry, patients are able to have a comfortable, anxiety-free experience.
Depending on the extent of the work and the needs of the individual patient, Ultimate Smile offer three different methods of sedation:

Oral Sedation (Pill)

This is the lowest level of sedation we administer, usually for patients who require minor procedures and are anxious about having work dental work done

Conscious Sedation:

Conscious sedation is a very light form or anaesthesia during which a patient does not loose complete consciousness. Sedative drugs are administered by our sedation specialist in very low doses during the procedure so that patients are free of any anxiety and discomfort. Patients are still able to communicate verbally and follow simple instructions throughout the procedure. Best of all, this is done in the dental chair at Ultimate Smile.

Full anaesthesia in theatre

Full general anaesthesia is done at a Day Clinic for our patients. Generally patients who need their wisdom teeth removed and small children that cannot be sedated at the practice make use of the theatre. Disabled and special needs patients also find theatre to be a great option.




If you have multiple teeth missing the Dentists at Ultimate Smile may recommend dentures (false teeth) to replace these missing teeth.  Modern dentures can be made to look like your natural teeth, or if you prefer a “Hollywood Smiile” we can easily design your dentures that way too.

Loose Dentures

Loose dentures could be a sign that your dentures are old or that they don’t fit your mouth as they are supposed to. With small adjustments and repairs, many old dentures can be refurbished to fit perfectly again, and for those who will need a new pair, the latest technology in implant supported dentures may redically improve your quality of life when it comes to eating, talking and smiling and with dentures.

Smile Makeovers & Cosmetic Dentistry



Like it or not, the reality is that people do judge a book by its cover, and you really only get one chance to make a great first impression.

Cosmetic dentistry does not only offer physical benefits in adding to a healthy dentition, but can greatly improve your self esteem and thus phychologically benefit you as well. A dazzling smile can make you look and feel younger, and speaks volumes about how you take care of yourself. Therefor, at Ultimate Smile we believe in investing and capitalizing on your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry often involves one or a combination of the following:




Dental implants are generally used if someone has lost a tooth or teeth due to disease or injury and are considered the best permanent replacement of missing teeth. They are often a much better alternative to dentures and bridges and look just like your own natural teeth. Implants can also be designed to stabilize dentures, acting like as a “rooting” structure under false teeth.

How soon after extraction can I get a dental implant?

An immediate dental implant is a dental implant that is placed in the jawbone immediately after a dental tooth extraction. It is usually placed at the same visit as the dental extraction. In most cases though, a healing period of at least 3 months is recommended after tooth extraction.

How long does an implant take to heal before I can get a crown on it?

Once an implant (root part) has been placed, it takes between 3-6 months to heal. During this time, the bone fuses around your new implant. This process is called osseointegration, and it's what allows your dental implant to function just like a regular tooth root. Once we are satisfied with the integration of your implant, an implant-crown (tooth part) can be designed and fitted within a few days.




Skew teeth in most cases are only the tip of the iceberg and orthodontic treatment is not only to correct a tooth that is out of place like many people think.

Orthodontic treatment is primarily used to prevent and correct “bite” irregularities or guide growth patterns in young children.  Several factors may contribute to such irregularities, including genetic factors, the early loss of primary (baby) teeth, and damaging oral habits such as thumb sucking and tongue thrusting.

At Ultimate Smile we therefor recommend that all children should have an initial orthodontic evaluation before the age of 8. If problems are detected and corrected early, expensive orthodontic treatment, extractions of permanent teeth, an surgery later in life is often completely avoided.

Ideal tooth to tooth and jaw relationships also facilitate oral health, the health of joints, normal breathing, eating and speaking. It is therefore the type of treatment Ultimate Smile loves to be able to offer!




A root canal treatment is the process of removing the inflamed, infected or dead (necrotic) nerve tissue within a tooth, caused by tooth decay, trauma, or fractures. This procedure is done to alleviate pain, reverse or avoid infection, and save a tooth from extraction. The procedure is usually completed within a visit. Mild swelling and sensitivity is normal following root canal treatment, but these symptoms will gradually subside.  Any discomfort after root canal therapy can be alleviated with medication.

Common signs that a tooth is inflammed, infected or necrotic :

  • Constant dull tooth ache

  • Intense sensitivity to hot or cold

  • Severe pain and/or swelling in the surrounding areas

  • Pain when biting on the tooth

  • Discolouration

  • Pain and swelling that comes and goes




Removal of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last molars in the back of the mouth that are supposed to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Unfortunately most people don’t actually have enough space for these teeth and they often become lodged between the last tooth and the jawbone behind it, or in the sinusses. This leads to symptoms like pain in the jaw, headaches, gum infalmmation, or ear ache. These teeth then require surgical removal by one of our dentists. We can also book patients at Birchmed Day Clinic for the procedure to be done under general anaesthesia.


An apisectomy is a small surgical procedure involving the removal of the infected part of the root of a tooth. This is required if infection in the bone surrounding the tooth persists after root canal therapy has been done.

Crown Lengthening & Gingivectomy

These procedures involve removing excessive tissue around teeth in order to expose more tooth structure. This is often required on the top front teeth, to enhance a smile, or on badly broken down teeth, where inlays or crowns are required for restoration





Temporamandibular joint dysfunction can cause pain in your jaw and in the muscles that control jaw movement.  The exact cause of a person’s TMJ disorder is often difficult to determine.  Your pain may be due to a combination of factors such as clenching, grinding, instability in your bite, a high filling or interference or jaw injury to name a few.

Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders:

  • Pain or tenderness in your jaw on one or both sides

  • Frequent headaches

  • Pain or discomfort in and around your ears

  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing

  • Limited mouth opening

  • Clicking when opening or closing

  • Frequent spasms in the neck and shoulders

Treatment for TMJ disorders could involve the following:

  • Medication such as muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatories

  • Occlusal appliances and splints

  • Removal of interferences

  • Stabilisation of your bite with rehabilitative dentistry

  • O

  • Botox injections

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